Affirmations for Purpose, Power, & Potential
· God has arranged each piece of my body on purpose.
· I am on purpose.
· I was created on purpose.
· I am filled to the brim with purpose.
· I surround myself with reminders of purpose.
· Even the weakest part of my body is strong.
· All the parts of my body are at work together and working together.
· Each part of my body loves and needs the other parts of my body.
· When one part of my body is out of order, the rest of my body is out of order.
· When I strengthen my body, the entirety of my body is strong.
· I am made in a body that is capable of doing hard things.
· I can even sustain through pain.
· My body is a machine that works, resets, and restores.
· I can do things I never thought possible in my body.
· My potential is being realized every day I am alive.